Out With The Old Plan, In With The New…A Little Easier Said Than Done

For decades, businesses have been addressing year-end reviews and new year planning in an orthodox way based on […]

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Promotional Marketing Expert, Danette Gossett, Offers Share-Worthy Questions And Thoughts About New Year Planning In Newly Post Pandemic Environment.

Owner and President of Gossett Marketing, a leading promotional marketing firm, Danette Gossett, considers how differently businesses will […]

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Grappling With New Year Business Planning In A Post-Pandemic World

I recently took a brief vacation and as I was sitting on the sun-drenched beach, it occurred to […]

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Promotional Marketing Expert, Danette Gossett, Reminds Business Owners She Can Help Them Strengthen And Maintain Top-of-Mind Status With Employees, Clients, Vendors And Prospects.

Owner and President of Gossett Marketing, a leading promotional marketing firm, Danette Gossett, cares deeply about her employees, […]

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Let Them Know You Care And Stay Top-of-Mind With Your Clients

As business owners, we want to make sure our customers and clients know we care about them. No […]

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Promotional Marketing Expert, Danette Gossett, Helps Her Clients Stay On Their Customer’s Radar, Thus Helping Them Stay Alive.

Owner and President of Gossett Marketing, a leading promotional marketing firm, Danette Gossett, helps her clients remember why […]

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Keep Your Business From Falling Off Your Customer’s Radar

I just ran across some interesting statistics to share with you. Did you know that according to recent […]

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Promotional Marketing Expert, Danette Gossett, Helps Her Clients Steal The Show When It Comes To Gift-Giving.

Owner and President of Gossett Marketing, a leading promotional marketing firm, Danette Gossett, puts packaging center stage and […]

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The Perfect Package

Have you ever received a gift in packaging that impressed you so much that you kept the package […]

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Promotional Marketing Expert, Danette Gossett, Helps Clients Package Gifts Purposely To Impress Even When Gifts Are Being Re-purposed.

Owner and President of Gossett Marketing, a leading promotional marketing firm, Danette Gossett, writes about the need to […]

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