Regroup, Revive, Refresh

Fall and winter are coming. No, this is not the beginning of a new episodic. Though now that […]

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Promotional Marketing Expert, Danette Gossett, Writes About A Trend Back To The Use Of Paper And Pen Despite The Popularity Of Smart Digital Devices

Owner and President of Gossett Marketing, a leading promotional marketing firm, Danette Gossett, cites a study that reveals […]

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Let’s Hear It For The Written Word

Long Live the Written Word! In my blog this month, (“They” Said It Would Be Dead) I spoke […]

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Promotional Marketing Expert, Danette Gossett, Promotes The Apparent Resurrection Of The Written Word

Owner and President of Gossett Marketing, a leading promotional marketing firm, Danette Gossett, talks about the once-prophesied death […]

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“They” Said It Would Be Dead

The “It” I’m talking about is the ‘written word’. I actually don’t know who “they” are, though I […]

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Promotional Marketing Expert, Danette Gossett, Talks About What Can Happen When Marketing Materials Or Customer Service Takes Brand Essence Off Kilter Or Out Of Character

Owner and President of Gossett Marketing, a leading promotional marketing firm, Danette Gossett, reminds readers that everything reflects […]

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When Your Brand Acts Out Of Character

Staying true to your brand identity is critical. In today’s digital world where even the smallest businesses have […]

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Promotional Marketing Expert, Danette Gossett, Reviews The Importance Of Staying True To Brand Essence

Owner and President of Gossett Marketing, a leading promotional marketing firm, Danette Gossett, defines and discusses the relevance […]

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A Look Into The Essence Of A Brand

What is Brand Essence? I have noticed over the years that, when I ask about brand essence, many […]

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Promotional Marketing Expert, Danette Gossett Encourages Businesses To Participate In The One Straw Revolution

Owner and President of Gossett Marketing, a leading promotional marketing firm, Danette Gossett, tells readers there is still […]

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