Resolution for 2017: Replace Resolutions with Goals

We are so accustomed to the word “resolution” associated with the beginning of a New Year.
And we all make lists of resolutions we feel strongly about for maybe the first week or two. Then we lose focus and forget. I am right there with everyone else.
Over the New Year holiday weekend, I was talking with a friend who announced she refuses to make resolutions anymore. However, she also said she wanted to make many changes for 2017 and proceeded to tell me she was setting specific goals instead. That got me to thinking and I looked up both words. I have to tell you, goals are better. Even the word is more solid and carries more weight.
Resolution: decree, promise, declaration, decision
Goal: objective, aim, ambition, purpose, aspiration, target
To me, the difference between the two words is compelling.
“Goal” has the end in mind, while “resolution” seems to encompass only beginnings. This realization has had a profound effect on me. So, the very last “decree” I am making is that from this year onward I am replacing resolutions with solid goals. I am writing down the most meaningful things I want to aim for and setting target dates and establishing specific actions that will keep my objective top-of-mind.
I have personal as well as business goals for the New Year.
My most important personal goal is to give myself more time to get where I’m going so that I can be a calmer driver! The roads will be safer too!
Perhaps you’ll be inspired to do the same and inspire your teams as well to convert from resolutions to goals this year. Are you looking to increase growth with existing clients? Perhaps you would like to acquire a certain number of new clients. Setting goals instead of making resolutions could lead to a more productive and profitable year. I’ll let you know how it works for me!