March to The Beat of A Different Drummer This Holiday Season

If all your ducks, jack-o-lanterns and Cancer Awareness campaigns are in a row for October promotions, now’s a good time to turn your attention to the upcoming holiday season. (If they’re not, I just wrote an article to help you get in on the action. Click here to read Rock October with a Range of Promotional Marketing Campaigns.)
Now I’d like to help you explore the notion of promoting your business beyond the standard traditional holidays of Christmas and New Years.
For instance, getting out ahead of the crowd with a promotional campaign sent to arrive just before Thanksgiving shows out-of-the-box thinking. Also, Thanksgiving is truly one of the most appropriate times to express your thanks to clients and vendors. In addition, a customized card or thoughtful gift that arrives after the New Year stands out from the usual onslaught of gifts that arrive between Christmas and New Years.
If you decide to march to the beat of a different drummer this holiday season, we can help you with suggestions that are sure to keep you in your clients’ thoughts throughout the season and the year.
Before Thanksgiving food items are appropriate, however, keep in mind that after the New Year most everyone is over the indulgences of the season and ready to turn their attention to healthier habits. This gives you the opportunity to focus on non-food gifts. In my experience, the high tech items like power banks, Bluetooth/wireless ear buds and wireless speakers are great for kicking off the year, of course customized with your logo or theirs.