Customer Service Determines Any Business’s Future In Good Times And Bad

Life is a roller coaster and anyone who comes for the ride must be willing to face incredible challenges as well as exhilarating good times. And, in any committed relationship, be it a marriage or a business agreement, it’s how you navigate through the toughest of times that can make you or break you.
This COVID-19 pandemic is going to test some businesses beyond anything that has come before. It will wipe many businesses off the map while others will be raised to glorious new heights. And, this is what I think is going to be the point that makes the difference: Exceptional customer service.
Exceptional customer service begins with the very first employee you hire. I’ve said it time and time again, your employees are your very first customers. If you have happy, satisfied employees, you probably have happy, satisfied customers and clients. Putting your focus on how well you serve both during this crisis is integral to how your business fares post-pandemic.
Making everyone feel that “we’re all in this together, no matter what” creates camaraderie and closeness as opposed to chaos and divisiveness. If you’re bringing new employees on during this time, how will you let them know their value and give them a sense of purpose and permanence? How will you let your long-term employees know they continue to be an integral part of the team as opposed to the ones whose positions will be terminated?
This is show-time! Time to pull out all the stops on compassion, consideration, communication and appreciation. Some leadership experts suggest that, “managers should develop communication processes that enable them to touch base with employees in meaningful ways. These could include, for example, scheduling virtual coffee or lunch chats to check in on wellness and mental health, workload challenges, and issues around balance while working from home.”
In addition, these experts agree that, “consistent recognition has an immense impact on employee morale and happiness, crucial to engagement. How leaders recognize employee performance and a job well done during the pandemic will directly impact employee engagement in both the short and long term. Research shows that frequent and consistent recognition fuels employee motivation with 40 percent of Americans saying if they were recognized more frequently, they’d put more energy into their jobs.”
We are experienced at helping our clients express appreciation to their employees and customers. If you need a little extra insight into how to accomplish this on a pandemic budget, give us a call. We are all in this together! And we’ll all get through this together and revel in the good times that are sure to come.