Life Promoting and Sustaining Spring Promotions

You know that winter always turns to spring even if you are still under a few inches of snow and still have to bundle up when you venture outside. Despite all evidence to the contrary, the allure of spring is growing stronger with each passing day.
Visions of Springtime Promotions Dance in My Head
With spring literally around the corner and Earth Day barely a month away, you may be giving some thought to sustainable growth for both your business and our amazing planet. While visions of seed packets, eco-tote bags and water bottles my not exactly be dancing around in your head, they are taking center stage in mine! These are the kinds of promotional products clients and prospects love to receive this time of year. Gardens are being planned right along with third quarter budgets.
Swimsuits and Slenderizing Promoting Promotions
Springtime is also when we start thinking about bathing suit season and eating more salads. Sending a custom seed packet that will provide green leafy vegetables that will grow into and provide gorgeous salads could provide more greenery for your business too! You can even get non-GMO seeds.
We can also provide seed paper in a variety of appropriate shapes. For instance butterfly garden seeds on a butterfly shaped seed paper. Ladybugs, flowers, flower pots, birds and bees are fanciful shapes that say spring is here! You can even get business cards embedded with seeds. Once your prospect takes a shot of your business card and files it digitally, it can go into the earth to grow into something beautiful such as flowers or other vegetation!
Springtime Shows and Other Events
How about sending an invitation to a springtime event embedded with seeds? Encouraging clients, prospects and employees to spend time out of doors walking, running, boating, playing tennis or golf, in the garden or filling a pot with dirt and planting something can be enriching for the soul as well as business.
Eco-friendly totes, caps and drinkware made from recycled and or biodegradable materials are popular items that help build brand loyalty. With the many outdoor springtime events like golf tournaments, regattas, walk-a-thons and running events on the calendar, water bottles, shirts, caps and hats embroidered with your logo will continue to proclaim your commitment to the earth much longer than the event you sponsor or in which your company participates.
Spring Fever
Don’t wait for spring to arrive to think about your springtime promotions. Now’s the time to plan, cultivate and place your orders and to prepare your campaigns for new growth. Gossett Marketing is here to help create a campaign or an event. We are here to provide your promotional items and stimulate your promotional thinking for in-house, inter-departmental campaigns as well as industry and public events. Whether you want to try something completely new or tried and true, we’re here for you. Once the flurry of spring arrives, spring fever comes along and the only thing anyone wants to think about is getting outside. So act today. Gives us a call. We’ll get you ready for the joys and growth that spring always brings.