How To Get A 200% Rating On Your Holiday Gift Giving

I think it is safe to say that we have all heard the expression, “It’s what’s inside that counts.”
Well, I have to say that I’m not in total agreement with that statement. I believe that both the inside and the outside are equally important, especially when it comes to branding. Just to clarify, it’s important year-round, but even more so during the holidays.
As we approach this coming holiday gift giving season to our clients, prospects, employees and vendors, I’m all for helping you achieve a 200% approval rating: 100% for the outside and 100% for what’s inside.
Let’s start out by asking the following: Would it be acceptable if we only tended to our inner nature and totally disregarded our physical appearance? In our society it tends to be far more acceptable to do the reverse – tend to our physical appearance and totally disregard our inner nature – though that as a rule is not wholly acceptable either.
You simply cannot treat inner and outer as separate entities.
What’s outside is as important as what’s inside. Whether you are giving a gift or presenting a product to the world, packaging is crucial. A product’s package communicates your company’s values and is the ultimate marketing tool. A gift is a product that you are giving to express appreciation. To be most meaningful, that appreciation must be carefully considered.
Let me clarify that thoughtfulness is not synonymous with fancy, extravagant or expensive. Very often the simplest ideas, executed well make the greatest impact. Honestly, you could present a gift in a lovely logoed gift bag and tissue paper to rave reviews. It just has to be the appropriate gift inside and the most well-executed gift bag and tissue paper.
I’m going to give some examples of ideas we are working on in this month’s article. Check back soon for some idea starters for your gift-giving season.